Roll Call/Establish Quorum
- Chair Kate Wollensak presided over the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:32am. Roll call was taken, and a membership quorum was present.
Members Present
Joe Cassidy
Jane Clark
Michelle Einfelt
Susan Ryan
Ian Hardie
Mary Keating
Dan Allen
Barry Saltzman
Bernie Szczepanski
Tom Wendorf
Beatris Gonzalez
Darlene Ruscitti
Penny Clancy
Dan Deasy
Greg Bedalov
Calvin Giles
TJ Jarman
Marilyn Liwanag
Laura Crawford
Barb Szczepaniak
Christine Torres
Kate Wollensak
Tamryn Hennessy
Members Absent
TJ Jarman
Tiffany Rotondo
Jim Gamache
Jeffrey Feucht
Patty Ryan-Vincent
Mike Kish
Others Present
Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach
David Sabathne
Public Comment
- There was no public comment.
Chair's Remarks
- Chair Wollensak presented opening remarks and discussed board engagement and expectations of members. She encouraged the board to review the Centers Annual Report.
Review of the January 29, 2021 minutes
- Motion to approve slate and minutes by Member Rotondo
- Second by Member Keating
- All ayes via roll call vote
Training Provider Approvals
Lisa Schvach presented a training approval for Associated Builders and Contractors. The program is the Community Builders Construction Pathways Program. This program has been designed in conjunction with the DuPage County Jail and JUST of DuPage. The program will train inmates in basic construction and will be held at the DuPage County jail. The cost of the program is $1700 per student as the Sheriffs office will train their staff to deliver the training to the inmates.
- Motion to approve by Member Keating
- Second by Member Szczepaniak
- Roll call vote: Abstention from Member Allen and Nay vote for Member Jarman
- All other votes in favor via roll call vote
Resilient Contract Approval
Jamie Brown explained that the Center is prepared to extend a contract to Resilient NFP in response to the recent youth RFP. The proposal was scored and meets the requirements. The UPSTART program will work with non-college bound high school juniors and seniors to help them prepare for the entrance exams into the trades. Resilient has many community partners they are working with in the trades to place the students into employment once accepted.
- Motion to approve by Member Allen
- Second by Member Gamache
- All ayes via roll call vote
One Stop Operator Procurement
Lisa Schvach, Title IB Director, presented the Board with an update on the One Stop Operator procurement process. Lisa explained that DCEO has received guidance from DOL stating that if only one bid was received in response to the RFP, it should be considered a Sole Source Procurement. DCEO suggested that we have a conversation with the WIB about the procurement to determine if the Board believes it was a competitive procurement and a contract should be awarded to the respondent. Lisa laid out a detailed timeline of the OSO procurement process for the Board. The staff at workNet DuPage worked closely with the Procurement Department at DuPage County on this procurement. There was extensive research conducted to ensure the RFP was distributed to a wide variety of entities, both locally and nationally. It was posted in the Daily Herald as well as the DuPage County website to encourage as many respondents as possible.
Member Szczepaniak asked why the current OSO did not respond. Lisa explained that the current OSO did not respond because the hours of the position were decreased and it was not a workable situation for that entity moving forward.
Chair Wollensak commented that the RFP was distributed to an extensive bidders list, this is not a sole source procurement.
Lisa also explained that the evaluation team was comprised of members of the Required Partner agencies in the Center with at least 1.0 FTE presence in the Center along with the WIB Chair and Vice-Chair.
At this juncture, the WIB has two choices: proceed with a contract with the current respondent, or to repost the RFP. Lisa explained if the WIB decides to repost, a new OSO will not be in place by 7/1/21 due to the multiple layers of approval required.
Member Rotondo asked if the current respondent applied previously, which they did not. The last procurement of an OSO was done in 2017.
Lisa reviewed the scorecards with the Board. The overall score of the current respondent was a score of 81/100 points.
Member Bedalov asked who the current respondent is and Lisa stated that it is the Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce. Member Bedalov asked if the staff is comfortable with the respondent and if staff is confident the procurement was competitive and fair. Lisa stated the proposal indicates the current respondent will be able to perform the OSO, and is confident the procurement was open, competitive and fair.
Dave Sabathne, the current One Stop Operator indicated that his organization did not apply for the role gain, he met with his Board and they determined not to apply based on the scope of work. He commented that he is confident in the workNet team to onboard the new One Stop Operator and is confident they will be able to perform the job.
Member Giles commented he was on the review team and is confident that the Carol Stream Chamber will be able to perform the functions of the One Stop Operator.
- Motion to recommend contract approval by the DuPage County Board by Member Giles
- Second by Member Bedalov
- All ayes via roll call vote
OSO Report
Dave Sabathne presented the OSO report. Center traffic is holding steady, and many have indicated that they prefer to receive services virtually rather than in person.
workNet DuPage Update
Lisa Schvach presented an update on the Center.
ROE/Workforce GPS Presentation
- Motion to approve execution of a contract with the Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce by Member Giles
- Second by Member Bedalov
- All ayes via roll call vote
- Motion to adjourn by Member Keating
- Second by Member Liwanag
- All ayes via roll call vote
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58am.