Laid Off Workers

If you lost your job in a recent layoff, you are eligible for some of the federally-funded services provided through the workNet DuPage Career Center, including workshops and a possible $10,000 grant for upgrading your skills or certifications.

Training Grants

You may be eligible to receive a WIOA occupational training grant for up to $10,000 to be used to go back to school in order to upgrade your professional skills or obtain a professional certification.

Individualized Assistance

You can receive one-on-one assistance with updating your resume, or with practicing for job interviews.

Job Search Workshops

Our job search workshops will teach you how to prepare for your job search, the best resume format to use, interview skills, how to make the most of LinkedIn, and more.

Get connected to our center

Job Search Readiness

If it's been a while since the last time you looked for a job, take this short quiz to see if you're ready to conduct a successful job search.

Center Events

Attend one of our upcoming events.

Recovering After Your Layoff

Here are 10 Things You Must Do to Get Through Your Layoff and Begin Searching for Your Next Job.

  1. Losing your job is not your fault. The company made the decision to eliminate jobs, not you. You will feel a range of emotions as you experience job loss grief; denial, shock, anger, depression, etc. Share your feelings with friends and family so you can move forward and start developing your job search strategy.
  2. Apply for unemployment insurance and register with Illinois JobLink right away. This will provide a foundation for conducting your job search.
  3. Look into health insurance coverage options. Ask your former employer about rules and costs under COBRA, check out insurance options on the marketplace under the Affordable Care Act and/or look into an individual health insurance plan.
  4. Develop a new daily routine that includes a set time each day for your job search. Stick to your plan and don’t derail your job search by lack of action. It will take a great deal of focus and determination to not only launch into action, but to stay active in the process.
  5. Start your job search by researching companies and job opportunities. Determine if additional training, education or professional certifications are necessary for you to become re-employed. workNet DuPage can assist you with this research, and you may be approved for a WIOA training grant that you can use to get occupational training or a certification.
  6. Start updating your resume. When applying for jobs make sure you are tailoring your resume and cover letter for the specific position you are applying for. If you need assistance with your resume contact workNet DuPage Career Center and sign up for the Job Search Boot Camp. This 4-day program will get you ready to look for a job in this highly competitive market!
  7. Conserve your money. Develop a new monthly budget and look where you can cut unnecessary spending and stick to the budget.
  8. Contact your creditors, mortgage company, landlord, car loan, insurance, utilities and credit cards. Explain you have been laid off and ask if you can go on a reduced monthly payment plan until you find employment.
  9. Don’t throw all your eggs in one basket. You find the perfect job, apply for it and get an interview, maybe a second or third interview. You start thinking a job offer is coming any day and then a rejection letter arrives in your inbox. Continue to apply for jobs while you are interviewing!
  10. Look into volunteer opportunities. Not only will volunteering keep you active, but will provide networking and potential employment opportunities!


If you have questions about any of this, please feel free to contact Susi Pihera at: or 630.955.2041