Roll Call/Establish Quorum
Chair Tiffany Rotondo called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m.
Members Present
Jane Clark
Kate Wollensak
Ian Hardie
Susan Ryan
Mary Keating
Members Absent
Joe Cassidy
Tiffany Rotondo
Others Present
Jamie Brown
Public Comment
- There was no public comment.
Approval of the February 28, 2024 minutes
- Motion to approve by Kate Wollensak
- Second by Mary Keating
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Training Provider Approvals
The committee reviewed he following programs for approval from the College of DuPage:
- Medical Billing Certificate
- Physicians Coding Certificate
These are new programs at COD, they replace the previous medical billing and coding certificates. Each program results in a certificate and the opportunity to sit for the credentialing exam.
- Motion to approve by Ian Hardie
- Seconded by Mary Keating
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Local Plan Approval
The Committee discussed the Local Plan, a planning document required by WIOA every 4 years. The plan details the planned strategic initiatives for the workNet DuPage Career Center.
- Motion to approve Local Plan by Jane Clark
- Seconded by Kate Wollensak
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Training Provider Certifications
Jamie presented three programs to be added to the ETPL: Donka, IIT and BD Food Safety Consultants.
- Motion to approve by Amy King
- Second by Mary Keating
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Youth Contracts Approval
Jamie informed the group that there are three youth contracts up for renewal:
Turning Pointe Autism Foundation – Employment Training Program ETP)  for youth with autism
Contract Amount: $139,441
Parents Alliance Employment Program – Project SEARCH program in conjunction with Northwestern Medicine for in-school youth with disabilities
Contract Amount: $123,925
Parents Alliance Employment Program – Inspired By Ability program for out-of-school youth with disabilities
Contract Amount: $434,000
- Motion to approve youth contracts by Mary Keating
- Seconded by Ian Hardie
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
OSO Status
Jamie informed the group that the Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce has terminated the OSO contract as they do not have the staffing to continue serving as the OSO. A Request for Proposals will need to be released to secure a new OSO. Since the OSO is an obscure role, the Bidder’s List will need to be extensive to reach as many people as possible. Mary suggested holding a bidder’s conference may garner interest in responding to the RFP. Jane, Kate and Mary volunteered to be reviewers if needed.
One Stop Certification
Jamie reminded the group that the One Stop Certification is due to DCEO by June 30th. A certification team will be required to review the certification checklist and tour the Center. Jamie will ask for volunteers at the next Board meeting, Ian and Jane volunteered to be part of the team. Mary suggested that the certification could be done following the next meeting; the certification team could stay after the meeting to complete the application.
MOU negotiations have concluded, and the Partners are working to obtain the necessary signatures. The signed MOU is due to DCEO by May 30th.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
There was no new business.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20am.