Roll Call/Establish Quorum

Chair Kate Wollensak called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.

Members Present

Jane Clark

Kate Wollensak

Joe Cassidy

Susan Ryan

Tiffany Rotondo

Others Present

Jamie Brown

Members Absent

Ian Hardie

Mary Keating

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Approval of the April 24, 2024 Minutes

Approval of the April 24, 2024 Minutes:

  • Motion to approve by Kate Wollensak
  • Second by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes via roll call vote
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Training Provider Approvals

The College of DuPage has increased its tuition by $8/credit, which affects all approved programs. There have not been any changes to the programs themselves, only the price.

  • Motion to approve cost increase of approved COD programs by Member Rotondo
  • Second by Member Wollensak
  • Abstention by Member Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

New Program: The group reviewed the new College of DuPage’s new ICAPS program offerings for CNA and CDL.

  • Motion to approve ICAPS CNA and CDL program offerings by Tiffany Rotondo
  • Second by Member Wollensak
  • Abstention by Member Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Recertification: All the programs at MicroTrain Technologies are up for renewal. There have not been any changes to the existing program content or price.

  • Motion to approve renewal of MicroTrain Technologies programs by Member Cassidy
  • Second by Chair Clark
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Local Plan Feedback

Jamie reminded the group that the Local Plan was due to DCEO back in February. The only required change by DCEO is the submittal of the ETPL policy which has been submitted.

Additionally, feedback on the Regional Plan was provided by DCEO and the regional group is working to make the necessary edits

OSO Status

Jamie informed the group that the window to submit proposals for the One Stop Operator role has closed and one response was received. The evaluation team consists of: Jane Clark, Lisa Schvach (Title 1), Doug Potts (IDES) and Jonita Ellis (COD). The team will work with the County’s procurement department on the evaluation and selection process.


Jamie and Kate had a meeting with Barry Saltzman, former WIB member. Barry has been working on an AI presentation series in conjunction with Innovation DuPage. Initially, Kate and Jamie discussed a series presentation with Barry, but it may make sense to start with an AI overview, so everyone is on the same page. Jamie let the group know that Barry indicated there was another individual that presented the introductory class. Kate asked Joe if it may be possible to contact the individual that taught the introductory class that Kate attended. Joe is going to do some research to identify the instructor and possibly ask him to present.

Regarding Rapid Response, Jamie has identified WIB members that are interested in being part of the conversation. DCEO is responsible for Rapid Response activities in the state, Jamie is going to schedule a meeting with the DCEO Regional Manager and others as appropriate to discuss the process and possible ways to engage more companies. The group expressed concern that the companies do not fully understand the benefits of our services and it hurts the employees when they don’t have access to reemployment services. Another way to increase awareness of the services available in the Center is to make those who file for unemployment insurance benefits aware of the services when they file a claim. Jamie will keep the group informed on any progress.

Alpha Truck Driving School Status

Alpha Truck Driving School is due for annual recertification. Jamie explained that another LWIA (McHenry) contacted workNet regarding issues with the provider. The LWIA reports that their students are not receiving sufficient behind the wheel hours, and one is student being encouraged to take the over the road test when he does not feel prepared to do so. The allegations have been brought to the training provider’s attention and workNet is investigating the claims. The provider will not be considered for re-certification until all issues are resolved. Chair Clark indicated that she believes Women in Trucking has flagged Alpha Truck Driving as a caution to their membership when doing business with them.

Executive Committee Composition

Jamie explained that Member Bass will join the Executive Committee, which means a member must step down. Chair Clark indicated that she believes Member Hardie mentioned his upcoming retirement, so he may be ready to step down. Jamie will follow-up with Member Hardie about his plans

New Business

Member Cassidy informed the group that five community colleges including College of DuPage have been awarded a “CEJA Hub” located in Aurora by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. There are various “Hubs” across the state who will offer training, job placement services and barrier reduction for individuals to enter clean energy occupations. Member Cassidy indicated that the process has been complicated and difficult thus far, but they are making progress.

Member Clark indicated that the trucking industry is working to produce more electric trucks, as there is currently a shortage. There is a law in place which puts restrictions on the amount of diesel trucks that can be built. Many in the industry are watching the election closely, as the results may impact the industry in ways that are not known yet.

Old Business

There was no new business.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:42.