Roll Call/Establish Quorum
Vice Chair Alan Mindlin presided over the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:31am. Roll call was taken and a membership quorum was present.
Members Present
Alan Mindlin
Anna Cobb
Bernadette Szczepanski (Marianne Considine)
Carol Simler
Dan Deasy
Jane Clark
Joseph Cassidy
Lisa Dixon
Mary Keating (Gina Strafford)
Mike Kish
Penny Clancy
Amy King
Barb Szczepaniak
Calvin Giles
Dan Allen
Henry Zurawski
John Carpenter
Laura Crawford
Marilyn Liwanag
Michelle Arnold
Mike Zimmerman (Lauren Aramburu)
Tom Wendorf
Members Absent
Beatris Gonzalez
Darlene Ruscitti
Helen Orellana
Kate Wollensak
Tiffany Rotondo
Tonia Khouri
Christine Torres
Diana Robinson
Ian Hardie
Paul Seputis
Tom Chesna
Others Present
Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach
David Sabathne
Public Comment
- There was no public comment.
Review of January 23, 2019 minutes
- Motion to approve by Joe Cassidy
- Second by Lisa Dixon
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Training Provider Certifications
Jamie presented the data that the Board requested regarding Ambria College and their outcomes. A report was brought to Executive Committee and the consensus is to re-certify Ambria based upon their pass rate, certification attainment and placement rates.
There are three new programs for certification, all are client-driven: Food Safety & Quality Systems, LLC, Simplilearn Americas, Inc. and Association for Financial Professionals.
- Motion to Approve by Amy King
- Second by Alan Mindlin
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Youth Incentive Policy
The original policy was approved August of 2018. The new policy includes In-School Youth (ISY) to the policy. Lisa explained that the State has applied for a waiver to utilize more monies for ISY (current allowable is 25%). The Center is looking to expand ISY programming so it makes sense to add ISY to the existing incentive policy.
- Motion to Approve by Dan Allen
- Second by Jane Clark
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
WIOA Fiscal Report
Joe presented the fiscal report. The Center is on target to obligate at least 80% of monies by 7/1/19. The Youth monies are nearly spent, however the youth allocation should be awarded soon. Also, some youth can be issued ITAs under the 1A grant as well. Regarding the MTE, the Center is projected to hit 52% by 7/1/19. Lisa also explained that Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) dollars have increased dramatically this PY, there has been nearly 400K obligated to assist local businesses with training their existing workforce.
Tom requested a breakdown of number of clients served per program year by grant.
WARN Report
Jamie presented the WARN report. There have been several retail layoffs and outreach has been difficult, as Susi has been referred to each individual store, she cannot work with corporate as a single point of contact. Aetna had a layoff, we will work with Cook County to coordinate services. Over the last PY, the WARN outreach has been intensified and has increased the numbers of clients coming into the Center.
One-Stop-Operator Update
Dave presented the OSO report. OSO gave update on center activity and new client questionnaire. In addition, reported on State of Illinois task group, self-assessment tool development. An implementation schedule has been developed but has not yet been approved.
Additional information was given regarding the addition of “Pathways” as a stated goal in both the One Stop Certification and the Self-Assessment Tools that will be required in coming years. Finally, the website was discussed as well as the rational for bringing the new client and business service questioners through an in-house platform for security reasons.
workNet DuPage Update
Lisa explained to the group that she and Jamie are part of the Economic Development Regional Group. The group made up of Title I and Board Staff across the region. We have been awarded two grants to support the region; one is an IWT with Ford in the TDL industry and the other is an Apprenticeship Grant designed to expand apprenticeship opportunities across the region. There have been two Navigators hired who will work with businesses in the region to expand apprenticeship opportunities.
The RampUp Program pilot is nearly complete. Six of the seven participants are still enrolled in the program and many have already secured employment. This program is an example of how braided funded can be utilized. The program has utilized four of the Federal funding sources. Additionally, Lisa is working to provide janitorial training in the jail. There has not been any programming done in the jail previously, so this will be another new initiative for the Center to assist returning citizens.
Lisa is still working with Yolobe and hopes a grant will be awarded soon by DCEO to advance their programming for youth in the community.
New Website
Amy Ullo, Marketing Coordinator for workNet DuPage, presented the new workNet DuPage website.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m.