Members Present

Alan Mindlin
Amy King
Anna Cobb
Barb Szczepaniak
Beatris Gonzalez
Bernie Szczepanski
Carol Simler
Dan Allen (Gary Karafiat)
Dan Deasy
Diana Robinson
Henry Zurawski
Ian Hardie
Jane Clark
Joe Cassidy
John Carpenter
Kate Wollensak
Laura Crawford
Lisa Dixon
Marilyn Liwanag (Ana Armenau)
Mary Keating
Paul Seputis
Penny Clancy
Tiffany Rotondo
Tom Chesna
Tom Wendorf

Members Absent

Calvin Giles
Christine Torres
Darlene Ruscitti
Tonia Khouri
Mike Kish
Mike Zimmerman
Helen Orellana

Others Present

Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach
David Sabathne
Martha Carney
Kenn Miller
Annette Kenney

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Review of August 22, 2018 minutes

  • Motion to approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by Amy King
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Tom Wendorf spoke about a survey being developed by the Integrated Businesses Services Task Force. The survey will be distributed to local businesses to determine their needs. The survey is currently not in electronic form, a few members suggested that an electronic survey would be much easier for companies to complete. Tom is going to consult with John Barr at DCEO regarding converting the survey into an electronic version.

Transitional Jobs Policy

Lisa reviewed the transitional jobs policy for 1A eligible adults. A transitional job is a service option for individuals with barriers to employment who are chronically unemployed or who have an inconsistent work history.  The transitional job worksite will pay wages to the individual in work experience and WDD will reimburse 100% of wages for up to 350 hours of employment.  In most cases, the worksite will serve as the Employer of Record, but the policy allows for DuPage County to be the Employer of Record that are part of a pilot programming or other innovative programming.

  • Motion to Approve by John Carpenter
  • Second by Joe Cassidy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Follow-Up Policy

The existing follow-up policy has been amended to include language that all clients will be enrolled in follow-up services upon exit, there is no longer an opt in or out of this service. This has been a point of emphasis for DOL.

  • Motion to Approve by Amy King
  • Second by Dan Deasy
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

MOU Revisions

The MOU submitted to DCEO required revisions. All members were emailed the MOU with the required revisions. Jamie explained to the group that the majority of the changes were the description of services for each required partner, the referral process and the referral process and role of the One Stop Operator.

  • Motion to approve changes by Lisa Dixon
  • Second by John Carpenter
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Slate of Officers 2019

The Slate of Officers was presented to the group for 2019. There were no objections to the Slate as listed:

Chair-Tiffany Rotondo

Vice-Chair- Alan Mindlin

Secretary- Ian Hardie

Treasurer- Joe Cassidy

Members at Large:

Mary Keating

Amy King

Paul Seputis

  • Motion to approve the Slate as listed by Barb Szczepaniak
  • Second by Kate Wollensak
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Meeting Dates 2019

The meeting dates for 2019 were presented to the group with no objections.

  • Motion to approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by John Carpenter
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

Performance Measures PY 2018-PY 2019

Lisa discussed the negotiated performance measures that were negotiated with DCEO. Historically,      The Center has met or exceeded the performance measures.

  • Motion to approve by Mary Keating
  • Second by Amy King
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

WARN Report

Jamie reported that Nokia continues to have significant lay-offs. They recently released a list of 100 workers to be laid off and the Rapid Response team has reached out to these workers.  Layoffs will continue in waves throughout the Spring, however exact timelines are not available.

WIOA Fiscal Report

Joe reported that PY17 funds have been spent and PY18 funds have been approved by the County Board and are now accessible.

workNet DuPage Update

Lisa discussed the Ramp Up initiative which is a pilot program for individuals in recovery. The program will offer MSSC Certified Production training.  Lisa has employers on board who are willing to offer work experience to program participants. There has been a great deal of interest in the program from participants and employers.

The Breaking Boundaries 3 event was a huge success and was well-attended. Several Board members participated in the event and Lisa thanked them for their support.

The DiverseAbility Job Fair was held last week and the turnout was tremendous, nearly 300 people attended. Several Board members also participated in the event. The event will be moved to a bigger venue next year.

The Business Services Team has developed a survey designed specifically for businesses. The assessment questions are designed to identify what services an employer may need and connects them with the agencies that can assist them.

One-Stop-Operator Update

Dave briefly reviewed the OSO report.  Dave will be assisting with the tracking of the survey developed for the business community.

Hub 88 Presentation

Martha Carney, Annette Kinney and Kenn Miller presented on Hub88, a new tech incubator in DuPage County.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 a.m.