Searching for Staff?
Find talent to grow your business.
Our job posting service allows employers to reach DuPage area job seekers at no charge, and with no hiring fee. Plus, we do all of the "legwork" to get your job leads out to DuPage area job seekers.
The Benefit to Your Business
Completely free of charge
We do all of the work
Posts are targeted to DuPage area job seekers
Cut Cost-per-Hire.
Reach a Large Pool of Local Talent.
We do all of the actual posting work, both on our website and via social media. The only stipulations are:
- Job must be located in DuPage County.
- The job must pay at least $15.00/hour.
- The job must be direct employment.
- For retail and restaurants, we only post management opportunities.
Through our free service, your jobs will get pushed out to:
- 1,200+ weekly visitors to our website
- 5,200+Â social media followers, and
- The talent pool of skilled job seekers with whom we are working.
Get Your Job Posted
Post a Job
Contact Patty Speer at