Incumbent Worker Training
Our Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) program may be just what you need to help train your existing employees, to increase productivity and boost your company's competitiveness.
The Benefit to Your Business
Addresses skills gaps
in your existing workforce.
Helps you boost productivity
and/or avert layoffs.
A Training Grant to Make Your Company More Competitive.
Receive a grant of up to $25,000 to help cover the cost of training for existing employees.
How Incumbent Worker Training Works
To be eligible for an IWT training grant,
your company must need to train existing workers in order to avert potential layoffs, or increase your workers' skill level.
Specific details include:
- The training must be job-specific occupational skills training, i.e. no “soft skills” training or general worker orientation.
- Workers receiving training must have at least six months of full-time employment history at your company.
- If your company has recently relocated and any employee lost their job, IWT services cannot be provided for 120 days following the relocation.
See how we help DuPage County businesses
get a competitive edge

Critical Technology Solutions Awarded $5,233
Critical Technology Solutions in Downers Grove is a small business specializing in physical security solutions and technology. This industry involves highly specific technical training (e.g. network camera solutions, mobile surveillance, wireless, etc.), but there is no secondary degree from an accredited college or university in this discipline. Industry certifications are essential to the company's success, but the size of the company made finding training dollars challenging. Enter an Incumbent Worker Training grant through DuPage County and the company's workforce was able to garner specific skill proficiency.
By increasing profitability due in large part to more educated employees, CTS can contribute more to the local economy, as a successful local business that can buy local, partner local, hire local employees and enhance physical security to local businesses and municipalities.
Learn More
Contact us now to find out how to make a federally-funded Incumbent Worker Training grant work for your company like it has for so many other DuPage County businesses.
workNet DuPage awards $16,000 to Creative Panel Systems to upskill workforce
See how we help DuPage County business get a competitive edge.
workNet DuPage awards $16,000 to Creative Panel Systems to upskill workforce
See how we help DuPage County business get a competitive edge.
workNet DuPage awards $16,000 to Creative Panel Systems to upskill workforce
See how we help DuPage County business get a competitive edge.