Roll Call/Establish Quorum

Chair Tiffany Rotondo called the meeting to order at 7:35 a.m.

Members Present

Amy King
Joseph Cassidy
Tiffany Rotondo
Ian Hardie
Mary Keating
Alan Mindlin 

Others Present

Jamie Brown
Lisa Schvach

Members Absent

Public Comment

  • There was no public comment.

Approval of the March 25, 2020 minutes

  • Motion to approve by Alan Mindlin
  • Second by Amy King
  • All ayes, motion APPROVED

workNet COVID Response Presentation

Jamie and Lisa provided the group with information on how workNet has been providing services since the Shelter in Place order took effect. 

Donation to Giving DuPage Days

The WIB Foundation still has about $4,000 in the account. Jamie presented information on Giving DuPage Days, a county-side initiative to raise money for local non-profits. The group agreed this would be a good use of a portion of the WIB Foundation funds.  Jamie will convene a meeting with the Foundation Board for next steps.

Other Business

One Stop Recertification

Jamie reminded the group that the Center will need to be recertified, this is required by DOL every three years. DOL has not sent guidance, so Jamie will proceed with the process and is in the process of selecting a One Stop Certification Team.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 a.m.