Roll Call/Establish Quorum
Chair Jane Clark called the meeting to order at 7:34 am.
Members Present
Jane Clark
Kate Wollensak
Mary Keating
Ian Hardie
Susan Ryan
Others Present
Jamie Brown
Members Absent
Joe Cassidy
Public Comment
- There was no public comment.
Approval of the September 23, 2023 Minutes
Approval of the September 27, 2023 Minutes:
- Motion to approve by Kate Wollensak
- Second by Mary Keating
- All ayes via roll call vote
- All ayes, motion APPROVED
Service Integration
Service Integration is an area of focus for DECO and DOL. DECO recently released a new service integration self- assessment tool. The tool measures the level of service integration based on 7 functional areas and 30 application points. Â The partners convened, completed the tool collaboratively and identified areas of strength and weakness as it relates to service integration for each function and application point. Areas of focus moving forward include: gathering customer feedback outside of annual input process, opportunities for cross-training will be identified, assessments will be streamlined where appropriate, and ensuring customers are receiving timely services.
Local/Regional Plans
Every four years WIOA requires the development of local and regional plans which are four-year planning documents. The regional and local plans build off of the State Plan. A consultant was retained by the regional partners to create the regional plan and has been shared with the Board. Additionally, the local plan is complete and will be voted on at the next full Board meeting.
The partners have been meeting to renegotiate the MOU. Negotiations have been going smoothly, there are no issues anticipated with the budget. Jamie is required to send in the Report of Outcomes form to DCEO which indicates a budget agreement has been reached by April 15th.
OSO Status
Jamie has been working to determine the status of the One Stop Operator contract. Miriam Jones, who was serving in the roll has left the Carol Stream Chamber of Commerce this month. They have retained a part-time person to fill the role, but the Chamber is unsure if they are able to maintain the contract at this time. Jamie is awaiting further details and will keep the Board apprised. If the Chamber is not able to fulfill the terms of the contract, the Board will have to release a Request for Proposals to secure a new One Stop Operator.
Old Business
There was no old business.
New Business
There was no new business.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40am.