Changes in the economy force Myles to rethink his job search strategy
workNet DuPage funded Myles to earn CISCO certification and gain in-demand skills
“I’m not sure how many people like looking for a job – I don’t,” said Myles.
After 7 layoffs since 2004, Myles reached a tipping point. For decades he had a successful career in mainframe IT, but with changes in the economy, jobs in the subfield were increasingly rare. Last July, just three months after a new mainframe job, the company moved a project offshore and Myles was let go again.
Not yet able to retire and tired of always having to look for the next job, Myles knew he needed to do something different. “There are still mainframe jobs, but they are almost all consulting. I turned 65 last October and I’m like, I have to do something different. I have to do something for probably 10 more years,” said Myles.

"The training absolutely helped me get this job,” Myles says. “I had a great experience with the center. My career counselor Marianne Eisley was phenomenal. She made a real difference in my life.”
With Networking Administrator jobs in-demand, Myles obtained a workNet DuPage WIOA grant to get certified in CISCO Academy at the IT Career Lab. He passed his CCNA exam on the first try. That’s when things started to come together. Myles received callbacks, multiple interviews, and accepted a job this summer. His new title: Network Administrator.
“The training absolutely helped me get this job,” Myles says. “I had a great experience with the center. My career counselor Marianne Eisley was phenomenal. She made a real difference in my life.”
In addition to funding for training, Myles benefited from job coaching and workNet DuPage’s employer connections. “I attended the Building Blocks workshop which helped me feel more confident during interviews. It was important in receiving an offer for the job I really wanted,” said Myles. "I also utilized workNet DuPage Business Services when I applied to jobs from the workNet DuPage website. I gained interviews directly because of that help.”