Shaniqua graduates with support from workNet DuPage
workNet DuPage funded Shaniqua to complete her nursing education
Shaniqua from Wheaton came to workNet DuPage when she lost her job during the pandemic. She was attending nursing school and was struggling to complete the final portion of her studies. With workNet DuPage’s assistance, she was able to focus on her education and pass her exams as a Licensed Practical Nurse. “The process to receive the scholarship was very easy and went very quickly. As a result of workNet DuPage, my confidence is much better,” says Shaniqua. “I don’t get discouraged if I fail. I just go for it again and never give up!”
Shortly after graduating, Shaniqua landed at job as a Care Coordinator. We’re thrilled for her success. In addition to funding to complete her studies, Shaniqua garnered critical support from workNet DuPage’s staff of experienced career development specialists.

"I passed my nursing school exit exam with flying colors. I can now call myself a nursing school graduate,” says Shaniqua.
At the heart of workNet DuPage are skilled professionals working side by side with recipients of the WIOA training grant. Shaniqua worked with Marianne Eisley. She says, “Marianne is great! Anyone that receives her as a counselor will be so appreciative. She went above and beyond to help with receiving my scholarship in a timely manner. She literally helps with everything, including your self-esteem. I came to workNet DuPage with low confidence due to my test taking strategies. With her help, advice, and positive motivational personality, I passed my nursing school exit exam with flying colors. I can now call myself a nursing school graduate.”
Hats off to, Shaniqua!