Network Administrator

What do Network Administrators do?

Network and computer systems administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operation of their networks. They organize, install and support an organization’s computer systems. This includes local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), network segments, intranets and other data communication systems. Administrators manage an organization’s servers, desktops, and mobile equipment. They ensure that email and data storage networks work properly. They also make sure that employees’ workstations are working efficiently and that they stay connected to the central computer network. Some administrators manage telecommunication networks.

Average Wage


Experienced Wage


Network Administrators:

Add users to a network and assign and update security permissions on the network
Collect data in order to evaluate and optimize network or system performance
Install all network hardware and software and make needed upgrades and repairs
Interpret and solve problems when a user or an automated monitoring system alerts that one exists
Maintain network and computer system security and ensure that all systems are operating correctly

Training & Educational Opportunities

To gain employment as a network administrator, a bachelor’s degree in computer science is preferred but other degrees are accepted depending on field experience and previous work.

Some employers may prefer applicants with various combinations of certifications from industry-recognized sources, such as CompTIA and Microsoft. There are many pathways to certifications through each entity to demonstrate proficiency and expertise in the field.

Specialized Skills / Certifications

  • CompTIA A+
  • CompTIA Network+
  • CompTIA Security+
  • Microsoft Certified IT Professional
  • Cisco Certified Network Administrator
  • VMWare
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional
  • Cisco Certified Security Professional
  • Voice Over Internet Protocol

Training Providers

  • Able Career Institute at National Able Network
  • College of DuPage
  • Directions Training Center, Inc.
  • Harper College
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Joliet Junior College
  • MicroTrain Technologies

Need Help Paying for These Skills or Certifications?

A WIOA grant can pay for up to $10,000 of training.

Types of Employers

  • Consulting firms
  • Manufacturers
  • Technology companies
  • Universities

Advancement Opportunities

  • Computer and Information Systems Managers
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Computer Network Architects
  • Computer Programmer