Don't Let Language be a Barrier to Your Career Goals.
Here at workNet DuPage, we offer multi-lingual support in a variety of ways:
Instant Webpage Translation
Use the dropdown menu at the top of each page to select your language.
On-site Translation
Our Pocketalk translation devices deliver written, spoken, and document scanning language support instantly.
(see video below)
How does a Pocketalk translation device work?
Watch this video to learn more.
Downloadable Summary of Services PDFs in 14 languages
Access a printable PDF summary of our workNet DuPage service offerings in a variety of languages.
(scroll down to select your language)
Choose your language to view/download the corresponding workNet DuPage information sheet.
Summary of Services PDF Text:
About us:
WE ARE the Workforce Development office of DuPage County, Illinois.
Our primary objective is to connect job seekers with the resources, job search strategies, and job skills needed for employment in high-demand areas of our local economy. By accomplishing this, we strengthen the local workforce and business communities while simultaneously empowering residents — including young adults and those with significant obstacles to employment — in their search for meaningful careers and economic stability.
How we help:
We assist job seekers in a variety of ways.
Many of our services are open and available to the public, while others are available only to eligible individuals. The primary services we provide for job seekers are as follows:
- Free, Open-to-the-Public Workshops and Events
We conduct monthly information sessions and workshops on a variety of job-search topics such as resume writing, interviewing, job application technologies, workers’ rights, and more. We also host employer-led events and hiring sessions. - Intensive Job Search Sessions and Career Counseling for Eligible Individuals
We offer in-depth job search information sessions, along with one-on-one career guidance, for eligible individuals. - Funding for Training and Education for Eligible Individuals
Individuals who lack the necessary skills, certification, or education for a high-quality job may qualify to receive funding to become employable in these areas. Our office assists eligible individuals throughout this process, which includes an assessment, employment & training planning, monthly progress reports, and regular follow up after successful employment. Eligible individuals may be approved for up to $10,000 to cover the cost of approved training programs.
workNet DuPage is funded primarily by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA policy dictates which services we are able to provide to individuals based on eligibility criteria.
Next steps:
Fill out our short online application. After submitting the application, we will contact you to discuss next steps. Interpreter services will be available.
workNet DuPage Career Center
2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 302
Lisle, IL 60532
Ph: 630.955.2030
The workNet DuPage Career Center is part of the statewide Illinois workNet system, whose web portal provides access to a variety of useful information for job seekers and employers.